Wikisastra:Bausastra Jawa-Inggris
(Kaelih saka Wikisastra:Basa Jawa (Ngoko) - Basa Inggris)
Ing ngisor iki terjemahan tembung Basa Jawa (ngoko) lan jarwané ing Basa Inggris
besut- abang = red
- abdi = assistant, slave
- acung = raising finger
- adi = super
- adikarya = masterpiece
- adil = fair
- adoh = far
- adol = sell
- adu = fight, contra
- agama = religion
- ageman = clothes
- Ageman = Clothes
- ager-ager = jelly
- agul = pride
- Agul-agul = something you can be proud of
- Agung = Great
- Aja = don't
- Ajang = plate
- Aji = valueable
- Aji-aji, Ajian = magic power
- Ajimumpung = parasite, take advantage
- Ajrih = fear, scared
- Akal = mind
- Aku = I, I am, me (unlike in English, aku is not capitalized when not printed in the beginning of a sentence)
- Akur = in peaceful terms, to be friends or allies again after a fight
- Ala = bad, awful
- Alam = nature
- Alam ghaib = supranatural nature
- Alangan = barrier
- Alangan = resistance
- Alas = jungle, forrest
- Alasan = reason
- Alim = good and naive (but not necessarily dumb) person
- Aling-aling = cover
- Alis = eyebrow
- Alus = smooth
- Aman = save, secure
- Amarga = because
- Ambrol = breakdown
- Amis = smells like fish
- Amung = only
- Anak = child, kid
- Anak lanang = son
- Anak wadon = daughter
- Ancik-ancik = standing up on something
- Andhap = low
- Andhap asor = polite, respect
- Andong = horsecart, wagon
- Aneka warna = various colors
- Angkasa = space
- Anjlok = dropdown
- Anthek = slave
- Antuk = get
- Anu = something
- Apik = beautiful, good, nice (usually for things, not human)
- Aping = side
- Apus = erase
- Arah = direction
- Arang-arang = sometime
- Aras-arasen = lazy
- Arga = mountain
- Aring = enjoy
- Arus = smells like egg
- Asah = teach
- Asih = loving
- Asli = genuine, original
- Asma = name
- Asmara = love, passion (in romance)
- Asta = hand
- asu = dog
- Asuh = learn
- Asung = give
- Athuk = fix, match
- Atos = hard, tough
- Atus = dry
- Awak = body
- Awake (dhewe) = one's own self, we
- Awan = afternoon
- Awang-awang = sky
- Awas = an interjection to express a warning (as in watch out); ngawasi means to keep an eye on something or someone
- Awis = bad
- Ayu = beatiful
- Ayuning rembulan = the beauty of moon
besut- Bal-balan = soccer,football
- Bablas = direct,gone
- basa = language
- Bana = nothing
- Baka sithithik = litle by litle
- Bangsa = nation
- Bali = back,return
- Banjir = flood
- Banjalopfdur=And then
- Bae = Just
- bantal = pillow
- Bakal = will, material
- bawana = earth
- Bangsat= Fuck, bastard
- bawang = onion, garlic
- bagus = handsome
- Badak = Rhinoceros
- Bakul = merchant
- Bala = backup
- Baliya = lets back away!
- Bangku = Desk
- Bancakan = gathering
- Babagan = in the matter
- Bawon = rice sallary
- barat = wind
- Banaspati = firehead evil
- bayu = wind
- Badut = clown
- Barang = thing,property
- Bajingan = bastard
- Bajing = squirell
- Batal = cancel
- Bayem = spinac
- Besuk = tomorrow
- Benjut = head hurt
- beruk = monkey
- bensin = gasoline, petrol
- bebel = dumb, stupid
- Benteng = base
- Bentrok = caugh
- Besan = wedding parrent
- Beras = rice
- Blumbang = pond
- bebas = free
- Bejat = broken,bastard,freak
- bebojoan = marriage
- Begundal = robber
- Beyes = little crab
- Belo = little horse
- bedil = gun
- beling = glass
- Bendol = look big behind
- Bedol = move out
- biru = blue
- Bingung = confused
- Blontang = like Dalmatian dog
- Blingsatan = horny
- Blewah = pumpkin
- Boros = unefficience
- Bojo = wife; husband
- Bolongan = hole
- Bolong = hole
- Bosok = rotten, putrid
- bola-bali = often
- Boko siji = one by one
- Borong = to buy all
- Borongan = grocery
- Bosen = boring
- Bodol = spread away
- Bobol = hack
- Bondo = property
- bocah = child
- ocah-bocah = children
- bocah lanang = boy
- bocah wadon = girl
- bopo = father,dady
- bako = tobbaco
- bokong = ass, buttocks, tak tendang bokongmu = I will kick your ass,butt
- Bandar = dealer,bandar narkoba=drugs dealer
- Balang = throw
- Banyak = swan
- banyu = water
- Baris = row
- Bocor = leak, bocoran = leakage
- Bandul = pendulum
- Bocoran = leakege
- Bodho=stupid,dumb
- Bar=done
- Brambang=red orchid
- Brojol= go through
- Buntut=tail, buntut celeng=pigtail
- Buku=book
- Bulus=turtle
- Bunder=circle
- Bunderan=sphere
- Butuh=need
- Bintang=star
- Buyar=desparate
- Bumbung=tube
- Bluthut=dirty
- Bungkem=close mouth
- Buntel=pack
- Buntelan=pack
- Bayaran=salary, payment
- Bayar=pay
- Bulak=wildgrass
- Bebasan=like, as,
besut- Carik=village secretary
- Camat=village chief
- Carang=branch of tree
- Cakar=jaw
- Cangkriman=puzzle
- Cagak=platform
- Caruk=grab
- Cawang=spider net
- Candi=temple
- Canthol=hang
- Cantholan=hanging place
- Cabang=branch
- Cadangan=spare,backup
- Cathut=plier
- Candhak=hold
- Calak=tukang sunat
- Cabul=rape
- Cangik=Funny character in puppet story
- Candra=moon
- Canggih=hitech,modern
- Caplak=skin cancer
- Canggeh=familiar,hospitally
- Cambah=tauge
- Cedhak=near
- Cepet=fast
- Cendol=jelly
- Celeng=wild pig
- Cespleng=tasty
- Cendhelo=window
- Cendhak=short
- Cegah=refuse,prevent
- Cerek=teapot
- Ceret=teapot
- Cewek=girl
- Ceguken=gluk,gluk,gluk
- Cewok=wash up
- Cekel=hold
- Cebol=dwarf
- Cepot=break up
- Crewet=speak a lot
- Cloreng=striped
- Coro=cockroach
- Corong=Cone
- Cobok=mouth
- Colong=to steal
- Coba=to try
- Condhong=tilted
- Cocok=suitable,matched
- Cokok,dicokok=arested
- Conto=sample
- Crongoh=greedy
- Capil=hat
- Candhak=hold with hand
- Cah lanang=boy
- Cundrik=knife
- Cukur=cut
- Cunguk,cecunguk=bad guy
besut- Dada = shoulder
- Dadak = emergency, sudden
- Dadakan = accidentally, suddenly
- Dadi = to become
- Dagang = trade
- Dagangan = product
- Daging = meal
- Damar = candle light
- Dandan = reparation, make up
- Dandang = caldron, large metal vessel for steaming rice. 2. (lit.) cormorant.
- Dara = pigeon
- Dasa = ten
- Dasasila = ten way
- Dawa = long
- Dawah = dropdown
- Daya = power
- Dedemenan = making love
- Delok, Deleng = see, watch
- Demen = like, love
- Desa = village
- Dewa, Dewata = Majesty
- Dhedhak = rice crop
- Dhor = (intrj.) bang!
- Dhudhak = dig
- Dhukuh = village
- Dhukun = wizard, psychic
- Dhukung = to support
- Dhukungan = support
- Diajak = to be invited
- Diajeng = you (a respectful way to address a girl, see Dimas)
- Dian, Dimar = light
- Diasah = to be sharpened
- Diceblekake = droped
- Didudohno = showen
- Digawa = to be brought
- Digondeli = to be clung to
- Dijajal = to be tested
- Dijawab = to be answered
- Dikandhani = to be told or advised
- Dikumbah = to be washed
- Dilakoake = drive by
- Dimanfaatke = to used by, to be used
- Dimas = you (a respectful way to address a boy, see Diajeng)
- Dina = day
- Dipangan = to be eaten
- Dirasa = to feel
- Ditampa = to be received
- Diwaca = to be read
- Dodol = to sell
- Dokar = wagon
- Dolan(an) = to play, to hang out
- Donat = donut, yum yum, nggarai lemu
- Donga = prayer, spell
- Dosa = sin
- Duda = male widow
- Dudu = not
- Dulang = feeding foods
- Durhaka = unrespectful to parents
- Durjana = robbery
- Durung = not yet
- Dusun, dukuh = smaller village
besut- Edan=crazy,mad
- Eram=amazing
- Ewang=help
- Etan=East
- Etung=count
- Ewonan=thousands
- Engkang=is
- Endah=Beautifull
- Eyang=Grandpa
- Emoh=no
- Endhang=guesting
- Elus-elus=To rub
- Eling=remember
- Etungan=accounting
besut- Gawa=bring
- Garwa=wife
- Ganda=smell
- Gawan=Default
- Gatra=chapter
- Gegana=batlefield
- Glagat=indication
- Garan,gagang=stick
- Gadhing= Tusk
- Gada=Stick weapon
- Gajah=Elephant
- Gabah=rice
- Gaman=weapon
- Gabah=rice seed
- Gempar=Fear situation
- Genthong=vessel, container
- Gendheng=Crazy,psycho
- Gedhe=big
- Gelem=allow
- Gendhak=hoe
- Gentayangan=spread fearness
- Gempur=fight
- Gerojogan=waterfall
- Gersang=dry land
- Geraji,graji=saw
- Getun=penitent,so sorry
- Gono gini=richness property
- Goro-goro=provocate
- Goroh=lies
- Goblok=stupid
- Gondelan=Hanging place
- Grudugan=together
- Griya=home,house
- Gua=cave
- Guna=use
- Gula=sugar
- Guru=teacher
- Gunung=mountain
- Gupuh=scared
- Gundhik=hoe
- Guntur=Lightening
- Gumun=confused
- Guyu=laugh
- Guyon=joke
- Guyonan=jokes
- Gugu=listened
- Gulu=neck
- Gulung=roll
- Gusti=Lord
- Gunggung=count
- Gendhis=sugar
besut- Hawa=air
- Hawa adhem=cold season
- Hal=matter
besut- Ilang=lose
- Iwak=fish
- Iki=this
- Iku=that
- Ingsun=iam
- Indhik=spy
- Indhuk=mother
- Iga=ribb
- Ibu=Mother
- Indra=sense
- Incip=taste
- Ibarat=like
- Istilah=terminology
- Iman=believe
- Ijih=still
- Ijo=green
- Ijol=change
- Ijolan=change over
- Ilmu=knowledge
- Ilu=saliva
- Idu=saliva
besut- Jaka=Bachelor,virgin
- Jala=net
- Jangka=compasses
- Jajan,jajanan=food
- Jaran=Horse
- jajal=test
- Jagang=pod
- Jagang loro=bipod
- Jagang telu=tripod
- Jagad=universe
- Jambak=caugh your hair
- Jambang=water closed
- Janji=promise
- Jati=Jati Wood
- Jalan=Street
- Jasa=Service
- Jalaran=because
- Jagung=corn
- Jabang bayi=baby
- Jaman=era
- Jamak=multiple
- Jinjing=pick
- Jujul=money change
- Jumeneng=located
- Jelas=clear
- Jentrung=dragonfly
- Jendral=general
- Jor-joran=competiting
- Jurang=Cliff
- Jumlah=quantity
- Juru kunci=keyperson
besut- Karma=s.t. (us. bad) that happens to o. because of deeds in a previous life.
- Kabeh=all
- Kandha=tell
- Kadhung=done
- Kawah=cauldron
- Kabebasan=freedom
- Kakehan=overload,overdose
- Kandhang=home for pets
- Kaji=hajj
- Kalingan=covered
- Kajaba=except
- Kali=river
- Kasusastran=(things pertaining to) literature.
- Kasur=bed
- Kasus=case
- Kasunyatan=reality
- Kasejahteraan=wealthiness
- Karang taruna=youth group in villages
- Kawasan=area
- Kawitan=beginning
- Kadar=level,dosis
- Kamardikaan=independence
- Kakung=male
- Kangkung=Water Spinach
- Karang=rock
- Kadingaren=never predicted before
- Kasengsaraan=poorness
- Kasekten=supranatural power
- Kesabaran=passion
- Keamanan=security
- Kesaenan=goodness
- kadhang=sometimes
- Kamar=room
- Kanthi=with
- Kembulan=eat together
- Kenduri=gathering
- Kebul=smoke
- Kebutuhan=needs
- Keset=doormat
- Kemalan=Arogance
- Keladuk=overacting
- Kendharaan=vehicles
- Kebal,kebal peluru=proof,bulletproof
- Kedadian=action
- Kedudukan=position
- Kewan=animal
- Kesengsem=interested
- Kedhung=deep water
- Kembang=flower
- Ketara=look like
- Kelangan=loose
- Kentheng=rope
- Korban=victim
- Konangan=tracked,revealed
- Kondhang=famous
- Kosok baline=opposite
- Krandah=families
- Krajan=kingdom
- Kraton=Palace
- Kroco=assistance,slave
- Kunjara,pakunjaran=prison
- Kudu=must
- Kudhung=cover
- Kurung=captured
- Kurungan,kerangkeng=cage
- Kuli=labour
- Kupu=butterfly
- Kunjara=jail
- Kudhung=cover
- Kudu=must be
- Kulakan=resalling
- Kusus=specially
- Kupu=butterfly
- Kusur=young cicada
- Kliwon=third day in javanese week
besut- Lali=forget
- Lanang=male
- Lambe=lip
- Lambaran=small plate
- Lair=born
- Laladan=Area
- Lawas=Old
- Langgeng=eternal
- Larang=expensive
- Lamun=but
- Lanjaran=row stick to plant camomile
- Larik=row
- Lamar=apply
- Lantaran=because
- Lawang=door
- Lawang ngarep=front door
- Lawang mburi=backdoor
- Langkung=thus,more
- Larangan=warning
- Landhak= Porcupine
- Landa=Dutch
- Lagi=in present
- Layang=mail
- Lamur=blind
- Lapangan=yard
- Langgam=song
- Legawa=excited
- Legi=sweety,fourth day in javanese week
- Lenga=oil
- Lemu=fat
- Lenggah=sit
- Lemah=ground,soil
- Lemes=weak
- Lestari=everlasting
- Lelagon=songs
- Leluhur=,Anchestor,founding father
- Lembu=cow
- Lindhu=earthquake
- Linu=shooting pain (of teeth,nervest etc)
- Lirwa=deserved
- Legowo=pleasured
- Lengkap=complete
- Loma=socialist
- Longgar=Loose
- Loro=two
- Lombok=chili
- Londo=dutch
- Lontang-lantung=no direction
- Lonthe=kind of bugs,hoe
- Lor=north
- Lori=old Train
- Luas=large
- Ludira=blood
- Lumrah=common
- Lumbung=base
- Luhur=great
- Lurung=pathway
- Luwung=fortunately
- Luwak=fox
- Lulang=skin
- Lulus=passed
- Lunga=go to
besut- Maaf=forgive
- Maca=read
- Macan=tiger
- Mangan=eat
- Madu=Honey
- Madhakke=equal with
- Manjing=unerasable
- Malih=changed
- Maling=thief
- Masang=fix
- Masuh=wash
- Mati=die
- Mateni=kill
- Masalah=problem
- Matur=tell
- Maturnuwun=thank you
- Mata=eye
- Mawas=beware
- Mantra=spell
- Makani=feed up
- Mangkane=should
- Magang=part time job
- Malang=across
- Melu aku=with me
- Melu kowe=with you
- Mentala=bring o. self to, have the heart to. 2 do s.t. without worrying about the consequences.
- Menthang-menthang=To be cocky, arrogant
- Mesakne=pitty
- Metu=out
- Mecungul=pop up
- Mentereng=luxurious,flossy,ritzy
- Mendhung=cloudy
- Mertamu=guessing
- Mertamba=seeking medicall treathment
- Mertandhani=signed
- Mesen=ordering
- Merlo'ake=needed
- Milih=choose
- Migunani=usefull
- Miturut=according
- Miwiti=begin
- Minggat=go away
- Medeni=horibble
- Melek=stay care
- Mendem=drunked
- Mendhem= go to bottom
- Mestine=should,must
- Mlebu=enter
- Mlelep=disapear
- Mleset=out of target
- Mlembung=balooning
- Mlethus=blow out
- Mlekotho=abuse
- Mlintir=spin
- Modhar=die
- Modhal-madhil=massy
- Montor=Car
- Mosok=really
- Mokal=Logical
- Montok=Sexy
- Moro=come
- Molor=spring
- Monco=foreign
- Monconegoro=foreign country
- Mondem=dig
- Mesakno=sadly
- Mertamba=look for medicine
- Meres=To squeeze
- Merem=close eyes
- Medhit=Stingy
- Mesem=smile
- Mertandhani=signed
- Mertamu=guessing
- Mentas=out from water
- Melok=invited
- Meri=want too
- Merdeka=freedom
- Mesthi=should be
- Megatruh=poetry
- Mekar=growing up
- Mentah=raw
- Mrana=go there
- Mrene=go here
- Mrono=go to you
- Mrotholi=spread away
- Mrongos=Funny teeth
- Mrongkol=crystalized
- Mrentah=Commanding
- Mrewangi=Give support
- Mules=stomach ill
- Muntah=To vomit
- Mufakat=deal!
- Musyawaroh=convention
- Mukodimah=beggining
- Musabab=the cause
- Mujarab=Good Cure
- Mulang=teach
- Muspro=gone
- Mususi=cleaning rice before cooked
- Mulane=that should be
- Murah=cheap
- Mumpangati=usefull
- Mundur=backward
- Murid=student
- Musuh=enemie
- Mulus=smooth
- Mugi-mugi=we hope
- Mutung=unpleased
- Mujur=lucky
- Mudho=young
- Mula=beginning
- Mudhun=down
- Muduk=Get Full after eat
besut- Najan=even,although
- Nata=To arrange
- Nastiti=keep watch
- Napak=tracking
- Napak tilas=tracking
- Namatake=look presiously
- Nandur=to plant
- Nandhaake=denote
- Nadar=promise
- Nagih=To collect a debt
- Nahan=hold
- Nakal=Naughty
- Nalangi=changing
- Nalar=mind
- Nawani=offering
- Nabrak=break up
- Nyawiji=united
- Nyandhing=near
- Nandhingi=be comparable with
besut- Ombo=wide
- Obah=move
- Omah=house
- Ombak=sea waves
- Olor=pant's rope
- Orok=baby
- Ojo=should not,dont
- Ogros=greedy
- Opah=reward
- Oplos=mixture,shake
- Ora=not
- Ogah=never
- Orong-orong=
- Ongkang-ongkang=swing foot while you sit
- Odol=teeth paste
- Obor=torch
- Ompong=teethless
- Olor=rope
besut- Pabean=Custom
- Pantang=Anti,proof
- Pantai=Beach
- Panas=hot
- Paran=destination
- Pasang=Put on
- Palang=cross
- Panjak=Man Singer
- Pawang=Expert
- Panci=Pot
- Parang=sword,blade
- Papasan=meet on passing
- Pager=gate
- Payung=umbrella
- Paguyuban=association
- Pait=bitten
- Paing=fifth day in javanese week
- Pasamuan=gathering
- Padang=bright
- Padas=rock
- Palu=hammer
- Palung=ocean deep
- Patung=Arc
- Paham=understood
- Panah=Arrow
- Pasar=market
- Pasanggrahan=A hut
- Pangling=To be unfamiliar
- Patut=eligible
- Patangaus=Four hundred
- Patangpuluh=Fourty
- Pacar=Lover, Girlfriend or Boyfriend
- Pawarta=news
- Pakan=feed
- Payah=suck
- Palawija=harvest
- Pari=rice
- Paribasan=metaphor
- Pare=Bitter Gourds
- Panjer=first deal payment
- Pecel=mixtured vegetables and sambel as food
- Pedhalangan=puppets world
- Pethakilan=punk ass
besut- Rai=face
- Randha=widow
- Rusuh=chaos
- Rasa=flavour
- Rame=crowd
- Rawon=kind of food,Cow meat soup
- Ragad=fee,cost
- Ragangan=crank
- Reged=dirty,dust/dirt
- Resik=clean
- Rapih=neat
- Renggang=wide apart
- Rasukan=clothing
- Rengginang=fried rice cake
- Ribet=complicated
- Rina=early morning
- Riyaya=lebaran day
- Risi=uncomfortable
- Rendeng=butter tree
- Rendheng=Raining season
- rada=little bit
- Rawa=Swamp,marsh
besut- Sabanjure = and then
- Sabar = patient
- Sambel = mixture of chili and other for delight food
- Sandhangan = clothes
- Satria = warrior
- Sawajare = normally
- Sawal = pillow cover, month in javanese calendar
- Sawalike = otherwise
- sawang = see, sigh
- Sawatawis = for a moment
- Sawer = throw
- Sebab = because
- Semangka = watermelon
- Semarak = extravaganza
- Sempurna = perfect
- Setyo = loyal, devoted
- Sidhem = quite
- Silem = dive
- Siling = pour
- Sindhen = singer in puppet show
- Siram = to take a bath
- Slamet = to be safe
- Slenthak (keslentak) = kicked by horse or cow
- Sujana = worried
- Sundel bolong = kind of ghost
- Sundhul = to bump, to nudge
besut- Tandha=sign,mark
- Tandhing=againt
- Tandhingan=rival
- Tansah=always
- Tandur=plant
- Tanduran=plant
- Tas=bag
- Tanpa=without
- Tangis=cry
- Tangan=hand
- Talang=waterdrop
- Tugu=Monument
- Tlethong=Dung
- Timun=cucumber
- Tindhih=press
- Tilas=exs
- Tiwas=die.wasted
- Tiba=fall
- Tiba'ke=actually
- Terong=Eggplant
besut- Ula=snake
- Ulang=repeat
- Ulangan=examination
- Undhangan=invitation
- Undhian=lottery
- Untu=teet
- Undhang-undhang=act
- Umub=boiled
- Umur=age
- Umum=general
- Usung=pick
- Usil=naughty
- Unjuk=show
- Undhak-undhakan=Stairs,Steps
- Ulur=extend
- Umbah-umbah=washing
- Untung=benefit
- Usung=pick
besut- Wadul = complain
- Wage = second day in Javanese week
- Waja = steel
- Wajan = fries pan
- Walang = locust, grasshopper
- Wanita = woman, lady
- Wanuh = know somebody
- Waranggana = traditional choord singer
- Waras = healthy
- Wareg = satisfied, to feel full after a meal
- Warga = resident
- Warga negara = citizen
- Wasesa = pawerfull
- Wasis = clever
- Wawasan = knowledge
- Wegah = to feel unmotivated
- Wibowo = the quality of being respectable
- Wicaksono = wise
- Wigati = righ
- Wijaya = wealth
- Wilangan = numbers
- Wingi = yesterday
- Wingko = clay pan
- Wira = gentle
- Wis = done
- Woh = fruit